Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Writing Tips from Louisiana Heirloom Biographer for Hire Olivia Savoie

Aside from the obvious reasons to write your life story down (i.e. history preservation, informing your family, inspiring your community, leaving your footprint for generations to come) there are emotional benefits as well. When you write your biography, you re-hash the good old days and bring yourself back to a time when the world was simpler and the days passed slower—days when candy bars cost a nickel and families ate dinner together at night.

When writing your biography, you will feel better. Here’s why…

Happy memories make happy people. Telling stories reminds us of better times and creates another new, positive memory of the time we spent sharing and preserving sagas of old.

Stories only live on as long as they are repeated.  History is far more than dates and names. Every individual houses a personal history of our family, upbringing, and adult lives, kept securely in our minds. There is joy in knowing you are immortalizing your memories.

Writing life stories exercises our brains and memories. Recounting episodes from years before keeps our memories active and sharp.

Reminiscing reminds us of our purposes. Remembering when we were the most lively and fruitful reminds us of the profound impact we have had on those around us and our world in general. This boosts morale every time.

Writing a life story is productive. You work toward the goal of one day holding your published book in your hands. With every new word, you can see the fruit of your labor. One week, your notebook has ten pages filled; the next, you might have twenty pages. It feels great to tangibly experience your progress.

So what are you waiting for? Start writing your life story today. Biography Writer Louisiana is fun, revitalizing, and nostalgic. It brings happiness and a sense of productivity.

Should you love the idea of leaving a legacy and experiencing all of the above benefits, but not want to do the dirty work of putting pen to paper, then learn more about Raconteur Story Writing Services and how we can meet you in Louisiana or travel anywhere in the nation in order to write your biography on your behalf.

Source: Click here

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