Friday, August 31, 2018

Advice from a Louisiana author, ghostwriter, and publishing consultant

You’ve finally done it. You’ve finished the manuscript. The pages have literally absorbed your sweat and tears over months or years of writing. But now that you’ve finally completed your book, what do you do next?

Perhaps you’ve googled “how to publish my book” or “help publishing my book.” Be forewarned: this is an open invitation for shady companies to come calling. Their representatives promise big book sales accompanied with huge up-front costs. Luckily, there are some reputable sites you can trust such as Lulu Publishing, Blurb, Barnes and Noble Press, or Create Space.
How to Spot a Scam:

Company has a minimum order of books over 25 (an order of 1 is recommended at first, but up to 25 is reasonable) There are fees over $100 simply for using their press (free is better, and most reputable sites offer it) Big up-front fees are demanded (again, using the company’s site should be free; the company should profit from book printing or design only)

The above listed companies along with some others create stunning books with quality and precision. However. In order to use their websites, you need to know HOW to prepare your files for print, as well as HOW to design a cover. These sites offer you a pricey option to have their professional team design your book, and we admit, they do a good job. But do they do a job that’s best for YOU and YOUR book?


We believe that local services are a better match than giant companies and corporations who don’t know your name. Since people judge a book by its cover, shouldn’t you have a designer who has read your book, knows your story, and cares about reflecting you as an individual and author? Shouldn’t your book be formatted to fit your specific requests and vision? Most big companies cap the number of photos you can include in your book. As the author, shouldn’t you have the freedom to include whatever you wish?

Find publishing consultants that help bring your book to life through publication YOUR way. Find someone who will get to know you in person, via Skype, or over the phone. Work with real people and real authors.

At Raconteur Story Writing Services, our publishing consultants help you by having the answers to your publishing questions. We offer proofreading or editing services to polish your story to make it as professional as possible. We prepare the files for print via formatting and design your dream cover. We act as a knowledgeable liaison between you and the printing press. We order your first batch and show you how to re-order books. We also throw in complementary book marketing advice and assistance.

We are a small business founded by a Louisiana native who published her first book at age 16 and knows the tricks of the publishing trade. She knows firsthand that getting a book in print can be quite a challenge and that it’s crucial to have a hometown team backing you up and cheering you on.

Plus, our pricing is affordable. Our Help publishing my book Louisiana starts at just $300. Our proofreading and editing services start at a similar price.

Still not sure? We have tons of references from former happily published authors who’d love to tell you about our quality standards and genuine care for YOUR book.

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Tips From Olivia Savoie-louisiana's Premier Heirloom Biographer

Tales of riding aboard a runaway carriage, attending 1950s law school, marrying a first love, surviving devastating storms, investing meager dollars that bloomed into significant businesses-these are the stories I unearthed from interviewing Louisiana locals.

What stories await your own listening ears? Perhaps your family has a treasure trove.

Despite the potential of family stories within our reach, we often only scratch the surface of our loved ones' personal histories. The details of their lifetimes of love and lament rarely emerge in everyday conversations.

When was the last time you randomly asked your mother about her college days? When did you last hear the story writing in Louisiana of how your parents met or the adventurous tales from your grandparents' childhoods?
Your family's stories should be preserved.

According to an African proverb, "Every time an old man dies, a library burns." Rather than let your family's libraries smolder, douse them with preservation. Make a special effort to document the lives of those around you by turning on your recording app or whipping out a pen and notebook. Now is the best time to preserve your family's stories.

Tips for Getting Your Loved Ones to Open Up: 

Value. Explain how important their stories are, expressing that only they lived their lives' individual journeys. Tell them that capturing their trials and triumphs will leave lasting legacies to inspire future generations.

Comfort. Talk to them in a relaxed environment, such as their home. Make sure only close family members are present.

Timing. Choose a day when your loved one has ample time to share without feeling rushed. If they have an abundance of memories to share, then break up the interviews into one- or two-hour increments.

Guide. Prior to their interview, compile a list of prompts you'd like to discuss and guide your loved ones from their early memories to their present ones.

Fundamental Prompts: 

What are your earliest memories?

Describe your childhood home.

What are your parents' and grandparents' names and years of birth?

 Describe the town/neighborhood you were raised in.

What did you like to do for fun as a child?

What did your family do for holidays?

What did you like to do for fun as a teenager?

How did you meet your spouse?

Describe your courtship and wedding day.

Where did you live as an adult?

What jobs did you have?

What are some of your favorite places that you have traveled to?

What special memories do you have from when your children were small?

What special memories do you have with your children as adults?

The above list is just the beginning. There are endless topics waiting to be discussed as you navigate the voyage of learning about your loved ones and capturing their stories.
If you have questions or need further inspiration, reach out to me and my team to get life story preservation advice.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Writing Tips from Louisiana Heirloom Biographer for Hire Olivia Savoie

Aside from the obvious reasons to write your life story down (i.e. history preservation, informing your family, inspiring your community, leaving your footprint for generations to come) there are emotional benefits as well. When you write your biography, you re-hash the good old days and bring yourself back to a time when the world was simpler and the days passed slower—days when candy bars cost a nickel and families ate dinner together at night.

When writing your biography, you will feel better. Here’s why…

Happy memories make happy people. Telling stories reminds us of better times and creates another new, positive memory of the time we spent sharing and preserving sagas of old.

Stories only live on as long as they are repeated.  History is far more than dates and names. Every individual houses a personal history of our family, upbringing, and adult lives, kept securely in our minds. There is joy in knowing you are immortalizing your memories.

Writing life stories exercises our brains and memories. Recounting episodes from years before keeps our memories active and sharp.

Reminiscing reminds us of our purposes. Remembering when we were the most lively and fruitful reminds us of the profound impact we have had on those around us and our world in general. This boosts morale every time.

Writing a life story is productive. You work toward the goal of one day holding your published book in your hands. With every new word, you can see the fruit of your labor. One week, your notebook has ten pages filled; the next, you might have twenty pages. It feels great to tangibly experience your progress.

So what are you waiting for? Start writing your life story today. Biography Writer Louisiana is fun, revitalizing, and nostalgic. It brings happiness and a sense of productivity.

Should you love the idea of leaving a legacy and experiencing all of the above benefits, but not want to do the dirty work of putting pen to paper, then learn more about Raconteur Story Writing Services and how we can meet you in Louisiana or travel anywhere in the nation in order to write your biography on your behalf.

Source: Click here