Monday, September 17, 2018

Tips from a professional Louisiana life story writer to help you write

What have you lived through? Has your life brimmed with the usual allowance of joy and suffering, hope and despair, adventure and monotony? Or would you consider your life extraordinary? Whatever the case, every individual has a story inside of them. A life story so unique and compelling that it’s capable of awe and inspiration. Each story should be preserved.

Help publishing my book Louisiana

Have you ever thought about (or started time and time again, only to not get far) writing your memoir writing Louisiana?

Writing your memoir is no easy feat. Some people write their memoirs as if their pen is on fire in a rapid six months. Others linger through the struggle for upwards of twenty years. No matter your speed, the process of putting pen to paper is hard. It’s overwhelming. Where do you start when writing your life story? How much or little detail should you include? What if you leave something out?

Here’s some advice for writing your memoir from our professional Louisiana memoir writers:
Start. Start anywhere in your life—not necessarily at the beginning. Follow whatever is inspiring you now. Rather you write about yesterday or your first memory in your memoir doesn’t matter, just write.

Focus on little moments rather than the big picture. If you have fond memories of your cat, Tweedle Dee, or fond memories of your inspiring grandfather, write about both characters. Don’t think anything is too small or insignificant for inclusion. Eventually, the small moments and memories will collide with the larger narrative.

Use a list of chronological prompts to guide you. Rather than simply trying to remember EVERYTHING, find lists of questions online to guide you through.

Reference pictures. What better way to remember things you nearly forgot than to look them in the face? Break out the old photo albums.

Make an outline. If you’re worried about condensing your life enough or too much or forgetting meaningful people and moments, make an outline to guide you through.

Write a little every day. Rather you write two sentences or two pages, still write every chance you get.
Or don’t do any of this. Contact our life story writers at Raconteur Story Writing Services. We will interview you about your life and write a full, vivid, published life story, usually within 2 to 6 months of the first interview.

What are you waiting for? Get started preserving your life story today. Get past that voice in your head whispering lies like No one wants to hear about you life or You’re not a good writer. Go for it. Only you lived your life. Only you can act to preserve your story. Only you can inspire and inform your family today and for generations to come.

Source: click here

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