Saturday, September 8, 2018

Easy, Stress-free, and Unconventional Ways to Write Your Life Story

Who should write the narrative of their life? Everyone. Here’s why: Your story is only yours. No one else lived your life. No one else can vibrantly speak for your memories or preserve them. 100 years from now, who will remember the details of your lifetime of love, overcoming obstacles, and adventure? It’s up to you to preserve your story writing in Louisiana.

But, maybe the actual writing holds you back. Maybe you’ve tried to write your life story before. Maybe you don’t consider yourself “a writer.” Perhaps you’ve used fill-in-the-blank books or tried to write from scratch. But have you tried writing your biographical information in an unconventional, freeing way? Writing it with the goal of enjoying the journey rather than hoping for a monumental, 300-page, written-as-good-as-Hemmingway result? Here’s some ideas that can remove some stress from the daunting task of writing a biography, let you have fun with it, and get some of your biographical info down on paper.

1. Write in lists
  • When you remember a special memory, write it down. When you remember something else, write it down. Don’t worry about all the ideas connecting.
  • Make lists of people who impacted you at different points of your life
  • Make lists of jobs you had or places you lived
  • Make lists of trips you went on

2. Outline

  • Make an outline of your life, highlighting the key points
  • If you ever wish to return to the outline and fill in more details, you can. If not, at least you have a thorough outline that shows the main points of your life story

3.Write in a new form

  • Try writing your biography in poetic verse like this:
from my bedroom window

five-year-old me could see the ravine flowing beyond the Louisiana pasture

where Daddy had his herd

and when I turned and looked the opposite way

I could see my older sister, Margerie, reading on her bed,

her door was always open
  • Try writing your biography in the form of letters to loved ones
  • Try writing your biography like informal diary entries
Whatever you do, do something. Write little remembrances here and there. In lists. In poetic verse. In whatever works for you. Over time, you’ll be surprised how much information you can amass.

Article by life story writers at Raconteur Story Writing Services. Learn more at

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